Cash Advance Loans

What Is a Cash Advance Loan?

A cash advance is a short-term loan that is designed to help out with a financial emergency. They are a reasonable option for someone who has an emergency need for money and limited resources for getting it, especially when that person has a clear and reasonable plan for paying back the money in a short period.

If this sounds like a product that could help you, simply fill out our quick online form and get connected through our network to a provider who may be able to help with a cash advance loan.

What Can a Cash Advance be Used for?

There can be various reasons why someone would require cash advance loans. The most common reason is a monetary emergency and can include:

Car repairs

Household bills

School fee’s

Small holiday

Rental bond

VET bills

Medical costs

Moving costs

Fees, Requirements & Eligibility

Quickle will try to connect you with a provider through our network for no charge to you.

Quickle may receive a fee from the our intermediary partner(s) for assisting them in connecting you to our network.

The providers that you are connected to will have their own costs, eligibility requirements, and terms and conditions. Please make sure you fully understand the costs and other obligations associated with any product offered by a provider before entering into any agreement with that provider.

Why Choose Quickle for a Cash Advance Loan?

It’s quick. It’s simple. It’s Quickle.

Simple and Easy

Our online form is so simple it only takes about 5 minutes.

Quick Decision

Receive a decision ASAP! *

*You will be connected to our network and they will endeavour to give you a quick answer.

Cash in your Account

Receive cash in your bank account.*

*Whether money gets deposited into your bank account will depend on whether your application is successful with the relevant lender.

Borrow Responsibly

Regardless of type of loan you are looking for, you should view this as an opportunity to foster responsible borrowing habits and to properly manage your funds. Remember that you should only apply for a loan when you are 100% confident you can manage it responsibly. For more information, check our our commitment to you.


Through Quickle’s network, you can access providers who offer loan amounts up to $10,000.00.

The biggest factor that will negatively impact your credit score is failing to make repayments on time. However, every lender has a different assessment criterion as some lenders will view the presence of a payday loan application on a credit file negatively and may decline an application as a result. On the other hand, repaying your payday loan promptly will generally be viewed by lenders positively.

In general, every lender will have its own distinct costs of borrowing, whether it be fees, interest, or a combination of both. It is important that you fully understand the costs of borrowing before you enter into any loan agreement.

If you cannot make a payment on time, it is very important you get in contact with your lender to set up a payment schedule that you can afford. Defaulting on payments will generally incur additional costs which can get out of hand very quickly and could result in enforcement action and negative implications for your credit history.

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