Are you stressing over what expenses need to be paid urgently and are unsure of what to do? Is payday too far away or delayed? A payday Loan may be the solution. If you think a Payday Loan suits your situation, simply fill out our quick online form to get connected through our network to providers who may be able to assist you with a payday loan.
Payday Loans
Payday Loans Online
To learn more about payday loans before you apply, check out these articles that explain them in a nutshell and some of the best reasons to apply for payday loans in Australia.
What Is a Payday Loan?
A payday loan is a small loan or payday advance that’s repaid in full, including the service fee, the next time the borrower is paid. You can borrow a small amount, based on the amount you’re typically paid in a pay period. Payday Loans are typically limited to an amount that you can afford to repay.
Payday Loans for Any Circumstance
Payday loans in Australia can help if you just need to borrow a small amount of money. Whether you’ve got higher-than-normal bills or a car accident has left you with costs that you didn’t budget for and need to get your vehicle up and running again, a payday loan may be a solution.
Short Term Payday Loans
A short term payday loan is a financial solution that comes in handy when urgent expenses suddenly appear and require quick action. Generally, the maximum term of a Short Term Payday Loan granted by providers available through out network is 62 days. With the first repayment due within 20 days of the advance arriving in your account.
Payday Loans with Bad Credit
Whether your vehicle has broken down, you need to have an appliance repaired, or you are facing any other issues, a payday loan may be the solution for you. Many providers are able to assist you regardless of a bad credit history. To get started, simply fill in our quick online form.
Car Repair Payday Loans
Whether it be a flat tyre, a broken thermostat or your car is just in need of a service, car expenses can certainly leave you short before your payday. If you think you need a Car Repair Payday Loan simply fill out our quick online form to be connected to a provider through our network who may be able to assist you with a Car Repair Payday Loan.
First Time Payday Loans
If you have never had to take a loan before, your first time can be an overwhelming experience. You can rest easy with Quickle. We have kept our online form as quick and easy to fill out as possible. Not only that, but the credit providers that you can access through our network are licensed and are keen to assist you through the entire process.
Weekend Payday Loans
Need cash to help cover a weekend getaway, shopping, car registration or other unexpected bills? We are open on both Saturday and Sunday so if you need to bridge the gap between the weekend and payday, click the Start Now button to get started.
Same-Day Payday Loans
If you’re faced with quite a financial struggle, chances are you cannot afford to wait days to be approved. Many providers offer a same day payday loan option. Speak to the provider that you are connected through our network about their same day disbursal options.
Borrow Responsibly
Regardless of type of loan you are looking for, you should view this as an opportunity to foster responsible borrowing habits and to properly manage your funds. Remember that you should only apply for a loan when you are 100% confident you can manage it responsibly. For more information, check our our commitment to you.
Fees, Requirements & Eligibility
Quickle may receive a fee from the our intermediary partner(s) for assisting them in connecting you to our network.
The providers that you are connected to will have their own costs, eligibility requirements, and terms and conditions. Please make sure you fully understand the costs and other obligations associated with any product offered by a provider before entering into any agreement with that provider.
Need a Payday Loan? Its Easy to Get Started through our network!
Simply click the start now button below and fill out our quick online form and get access, through our network, to a provider who may be able to assist you with a payday loan.
Through Quickle’s network, you can access providers who offer loan amounts up to $10,000.00.
In general, every lender will have its own distinct costs of borrowing, whether it be fees, interest, or a combination of both. It is important that you fully understand the costs of borrowing before you enter into any loan agreement.
We may be able to assist you to connect to a provider in our network who does not require a credit check.
The biggest factor that will negatively impact your credit score is failing to make repayments on time. However, every lender has a different assessment criterion as some lenders will view the presence of a payday loan application on a credit file negatively and may decline an application as a result. On the other hand, repaying your payday loan promptly will generally be viewed by lenders positively.
If you cannot make a payment on time, it is very important you get in contact with your lender to set up a payment schedule that you can afford. Defaulting on payments will generally incur additional costs which can get out of hand very quickly and could result in enforcement action and negative implications for your credit history.
This is possible with some lenders. However, it is best practice to pay off your existing debt before applying for a new loan to ensure you do not end up with a debt problem.