An online loan is the quickest way to get a loan when you don’t have money to pay off your urgent expenses. It’s a way to prevent yourself from getting caught in a difficult financial situation and could be what you need to stay above water. Whatever your circumstances, an online is designed to support those in need.

Online Loans
It’s Quick. It’s Simple. It’s Quickle.
Our team believes everyone should have a fair go, and it’s our commitment to give those who need access to cash the same chance as everyone else to an online loan. Whether you need to pay off debt or tide you over until payday comes around, an Online Loan my be a good solution.

What is an Online Loan?
What Can an Online Loan be Used For?
There are numerous reasons why anyone would acquire an online loan. These may include
- Car maintenance
- Family emergencies
- Home repairs
- Medical/dental costs
- Phone, utility and unexpected bills
- Rent/bond
- Travel expenses
Borrow Responsibly

Regardless of type of loan you are looking for, you should view this as an opportunity to foster responsible borrowing habits and to properly manage your funds.
Remember that you should only apply for a loan when you are 100% confident you can manage it responsibly. For more information, check out our commitment to you.
Fees, Requirements & Eligibility
Quickle may receive a fee from the our intermediary partner(s) for assisting them in connecting you to our network.
The providers that you are connected to will have their own costs, eligibility requirements, and terms and conditions. Please make sure you fully understand the costs and other obligations associated with any product offered by a provider before entering into any agreement with that provider.
Need an Online Loan? Its Easy to Get Started through our network!

Why Choose Quickle?
It’s quick. It’s simple. It’s Quickle.

Simple and Easy
Our online form is so simple it only takes about 5 minutes.

Quick Decision
Receive a decision ASAP! *

Cash in your Account
Receive cash in your bank account.*
Through Quickle’s network, you can access providers who offer loan amounts up to $10,000.00.
The biggest factor that will negatively impact your credit score is failing to make repayments on time. However, every lender has a different assessment criterion as some lenders will view the presence of a payday loan application on a credit file negatively and may decline an application as a result. On the other hand, repaying your payday loan promptly will generally be viewed by lenders positively.
In general, every lender will have its own distinct costs of borrowing, whether it be fees, interest, or a combination of both. It is important that you fully understand the costs of borrowing before you enter into any loan agreement.
This is possible with some lenders. However, it is best practice to pay off your existing debt before applying for a new loan to ensure you do not end up with a debt problem.